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Ray White Riverland

Ray White Riverland


  • 2024/2025 - Elite Business Leader
  • 2024/2025 - Premier Property Management
  • 2023/2024 - Business Growth - Office - Runner up
  • 2023/2024 - International Property Management Growth Business - No. 2
  • 2023/2024 - Property Management Growth
  • 2023/2024 - Elite Business Leader
  • 2023/2024 - Premier Property Management
  • 2022/2023 - Top 5 Clients Choice - Office
  • 2022/2023 - Premier Business Leader
  • 2020/2021 - Best Presented Office

Ray White Riverland - Berri Location


Our Ray White Riverland offices are each located in high profile positions within Renmark, Berri and Waikerie, our Renmark office is directly opposite the Renmark Square shopping centre and experiences thousands of passers-by each and every day. Our Waikeire office is located on the busy McCoy Street amonst cafes and retail outlets which boasts heavy padestrian traffic whilst our Berri office is located in the heart of Denny Street, popular with locals and tourists with its dynamic shopping opportunies. All locations operate from modern tastefully designed premises.

The Principal, Aaron Willis represents the new real estate generation. He offers new ideas, new technologies, new approaches and a whole new attitude. The days of an agent simply listing your property by placing an advertisement in a newspaper and a card in a shop window are gone, the internet and social media platforms have revolutionised the property sale process.  More than ever before your appointed real estate professional has to be technology aware and a marketing expert.

Ray White Riverland consistently list and sell more properties than any other Agency throughout the entire Riverland.

Successful, ambitious and dedicated to excellence, Ray White Riverland is a team respected for their honesty and ethical approach. A dedication to continuous improvement provides the foundation to achieve the best results and satisfaction for our clients whilst being recognised as Industry Leaders in our field.

The leader and most in-demand Real Estate Agency in the Riverlands highly competitive marketplace